Friday 17 December 2010

Amanda Seyfried and protein diet foods

Amanda Seyfried’s, was ranked last year as 4th in the “Most Beautiful 2009 - Beautiful at Every Age” survey done by the People Magazine. Amanda Seyfried surely is among the most talk-about celebrities in Hollywood these days especially when she revealed in secrets why she has a hot and sexy physique.

Amanda Seyfried’s diet regimen is actually composed of raw foods. Yes, she’s been in a raw diet eating, obviously, raw vegetables and some nuts just to keep her in shape. “I’m on a raw-food diet. It’s intense. And sort of awful. Yesterday for lunch? Spinach. Just spinach. Spinach and some seeds,” she says. She doesn’t just have this diet during a preparation for an event or photo shoot, but even during normal dieting days. Amanda Seyfried’s diet is primarily composed of a lot of protein diet foods plus eating salads, broccoli and salmon.

But she claims that what she’s doing is really hard. "I'd get really, really tired and hungry at three p.m. everyday because there was nothing to eat. Dinner would be cucumbers and kale and dressing. In the morning, you feel great, you're doing a liver cleanse and eating raw oatmeal and blueberries and drinking great shakes,” Amanda states.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Chocolate Christmas Trees

If you are following one of the Easy Diets  this Holiday season, dont go overboard on chocolate like the French have. They have created a gian CHOCOLATE christmas tree. The tree took a month to create and weighs four tons. The tree will be dismantled and given to charity.

With four thousand kilos of chocolate, the giant tree contains over 20 million calories - that's over 25 years' worth of calories for an average person.

Sunday 12 December 2010

Quinoa, Rice, and Other Grains for Your Diet

Make sure that if you are following a recommended Easy Diets, it includes grains. Eating whole grains like quinoa, rice, barley, oatmeal or wheat provide filling fiber, protein, antioxidants and keep all systems (especially your digestive system) working up to par. Thanks to the low-carb diet craze, you may usually shy away from carbohydrates, but not to worry. Although whole grains are carbs, incorporating them into your diet will keep your metabolism working and fill you up with fewer calories.

Whole Grains for Your Health

Not only do whole grains keep you full and provide fiber, but it’s that fiber that helps keep blood pressure in check, bad cholesterol (LDLs) low and arteries healthy. The fiber also helps keep your digestive tract healthy, and works to maintain regularity. Most nutritional professionals even agree that fiber can lower your risk of other health issues like gallstones, type 2 diabetes, obesity and asthma. Just two servings a day can improve your health and reduce your risk of disease by around 30 percent.


Quinoa is getting a lot of attention as a high protein food that is lower in calories than most other whole grain side dishes. A 1/4 cup serving of quinoa has only 150 calories, but also 6 grams of fiber and protein to keep you feeling satisfied. The protein in quinoa is also unique for a grain. Quinoa is considered a complete protein, including all nine essential amino acids.

Try mixing quinoa with chopped, sauteed onion, zucchini, red bell pepper and tomato or scallions and fresh herbs for a delicious side dish. Pancakes become even more filling and delicious with plain cooked quinoa and cinnamon mixed into the batter.

Hulled Barley

Barley is another delicious whole grain that provides substantial fiber (almost 8g) and protein (5g). It also contains the mineral selenium, which works to prevent cancer. That’s a big benefit for only 170 calories in a 1/4 cup serving.

Barley is great mixed with vegetables or in soups. Try making some overnight in your slow cooker with some cinnamon and raisins for a delicious breakfast. Just add 4 cups of water to 1 cup barley with your fruit and spice.

Brown Rice

The brown stuff is the best choice if you reach for rice as your dinner side. White rice is brown rice that has been polished and milled, and in the process, stripped of at least half of its minerals. Brown rice has less fiber and protein than quinoa or barley, but its calorie count is lower, and it stands in well for white rice.

Try replacing white rice in sushi, as a base for stir fry, or mixed with beans for Mexican food.


Known best as a comforting breakfast favorite or to make really tasty cookies, oatmeal, especially slow-cooking oatmeal, is a whole grain that gets you started in the morning with 4 grams of fiber, 6 grams of protein and less than 150 calories. It’s extremely quick cooking, making for a cancer and heart disease fighting breakfast in a snap. Stick to the five-minute cooking whole oats, and reserve the instant oatmeal for when you’re really in a time crunch. It’s been processed already, taking the work away from your system.

Monday 6 December 2010

Chemical Enhancers: Nitrite, Benzoate, Sulphite

The three preservatives Nitrite, Benzoate and Sulphite can throw your nervous and digestive system into complete disarray and stuff up your 

Easy Diets. Often found in processed meats, wine and packaged foods, they will create a weight gain track that, in time, will take its toll. Mostly reactionary in the stomach breakdown process, these and many other chemical preservatives cause the body to attack them due to their foreign make-up. This attack in turn causes the digestive system to slow and sometimes revolt as in the case of irritable bowel syndrome. If the digestive process is challenged, proper nutrient assimilation and waste disposal is compromised, causing the body to back up with toxins and store more fat.

Saturday 4 December 2010

Make Smart Protein Choices

One of the most important tips you can keep in mind when trying to follow one of the approved Easy Diets to 

eat healthy on a budget is to make smart protein choices. While many people may think that beef, chicken and fish are the only types of protein that you can include in your diet, this is actually not so. Beans, peas and other legumes are great examples of foods that are both rich in protein and low in cost. Experiment with a variety of recipes that include these protein sources in order to find meals that are delicious, nutritious and low in cost.