Thursday 30 September 2010

The purple asparagus is a great choice of food for easy diets

The purple asparagus is a great choice of food for easy diets, ESPECIALLY good for those on Protein Diet Food diets. Also referred to as the violet asparagus, this vegetable is sweeter and more tender than its green sibling. The purple asparagus’s color stems from cancer fighting phytochemicals called Anthocyanins. The whole asparagus family is known for having a beneficial effect on your kidneys, bowels, and liver – as it has diuretic and laxative properties. Since the asparagus contains very few calories and many nutrients, it’s always a healthy choice.

  • Purple asparagus is sweeter than the green variety because it has a higher sugar content. One grower says her purple asparagus never makes it out of the field to the table because they eat it as soon as it's picked, it's that tasty.
  • When cooked, the sweetness in purple asparagus softens to a mild, nutty flavor.
  • Purple asparagus also tends to be less stringy than the green varieties.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Easy Diets

When I was much younger, I wondered why such foods as pizza and hamburgers were considered junk foods. Hamburgers usually consist of beef, bread, lettuce, tomato, and cheese if you'd like. Pizza is made up of bread, tomato sauce, cheese and possibly sausage or pepperoni. After all, it's known that bread is the staff of life, tomatoes are a highly nutritious vegetable, and cheese is a source of calcium and bone building nutrients. The added veggies like onion, tomato and lettuce are a bonus to health.

Now the light bulb has gone on. Delving and analyzing of the ingredients commonly used in so-called junk foods uncovers the prevalent anti-nutrient theme throughout - processing.

Processing affected foods:-

Cooking oils
Breakfast cereals
Artificial sweeteners
Agave syrup
Canned fruits and vegetables
Fruit juices
Bagels, breads, rolls, pasta, muffins
Deli/lunch meats
Milk, yogurt, dairy products
White rice
Cocoa, chocolate
Pancake mix
Peanut butter 
Tomato products, ketchup
Salad dressings

Thursday 16 September 2010

How diet and not exercise is the key to losing weight

How diet and not exercise is the key to losing weight

New research suggest that exercising is not the best way to lose weight, with the obesity problem down to people eating too much rather than a lack of exercise.

Easy Diets that work

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Foods to ruin your diet

Eating Multiple Snacks

To lose weight, we should eat a few small meals and snacks throughout the day to keep the metabolism going. However, you may eat more snacks than you should, if you don’t pay attention to your daily amount. Write down what you have eaten, or set out a specific number of snacks each day. When those are done, know that eating any more will add on extra calories to your diet.

Pumpkin Seeds Health Benefits

Pumpkin Seeds Health Benefits

Pumpkin seeds also have a host of different health benefits. They are very rich in protein, providing about 12 grams per one cup serving. They also have magnesium, zinc, and iron in decent amounts. These minerals are necessary for the proper functioning of various systems in your body, and iron is helpful in retaining the health and overall quality of your blood. Magnesium is helpful in your metabolism and a number of other hormonal processes throughout your body systems.

Pumpkin seeds are a great snack to enjoy, and they can give you a number of potent health boosts. However, it’s important to remember that this snack food is full of calories and fat as well, so limiting your portion size appropriately is always a good idea.

Saturday 11 September 2010

Saturday 4 September 2010

Organic Food

Easy diets need not cost the earth, but the food you buy is worth thinking about. The organic food industry which has boomed in the last decade or so. Although organic food at the grocery store is a bit more expensive, it is definitely worth the extra money to eat something that is not processed and packaged in an unsafe manner. Choose organic products whenever you are shopping for produce from your easy diets.